Friday, July 17, 2009

I only use this blog

when I get depressed haha. And hey would you look at that, after a few good months of living in positivity and bliss, I'm dragged back into reality. Thank you for another wake up call... Thanks.

Here's a bunch of bullshit lyrics I wrote for my band Blood Oranges.


Disorder of the nerves, I'm not laughing anymore
Life seems like a run on joke from a washed out comedian
with to much time on his hands and not enough material
Walking up and down a path tread frequently
This whole nice guys finish last crap is true
Holding up to the classic "let's call it quits" all to soon

What a perfect match, what a perfect match
Get out your thread and needle, Let's start
What a perfect match, what a perfect match
I'm falling to pieces, face first into shit

"Hang Me Up Like A String Of Lights"

Like a lifeless body hanging from rope
What more does someone like me need?
My neck yearned for some constriction
I may of overdid it when my bones snapped
It was so hard to keep up with everything
Letting every struggle consume me
one mistake I've made after another
Keep piling the dirt on top of my tomb
Because even after death I can't escape
I love being buried... being buried in your trash

I'm all fucking talk
I don't need this sympathy


Is this what it feels like to fear the mornings?
To never sleep a wink with my nerves so shot
Where do my problems end and my luck begins?
Fighting and banter between my mind and heart
What logic is left when you have gone nowhere
Only to beat at a wall that won't collapse
I promised I won't leave you behind like the others
With my tired eyes, will I ever sleep again?

I'm doomed to a fate of bitter outcomes
Stomping on unholy grounds, puking on innocence
I'm swallowing tacks and my throat bleeds
like the organ that stopped beating in sync with yours

Pray that you don't see this man
Pray that you won't see this fool
I've bared enough, I've bared enough

1 comment:

Green Zen said...

I seem to only use my blog when I am depressed too, its a good way to vent I guess....
also Joe James was freaking out that we were facebook friends