Friday, September 18, 2009

My dear,

It burns. It burns. It burns every time we cross paths. Even a day a week feels to much sometimes, and yet it's always to little of time between us. I feel haunted by the months passed. You successfully fucked my outlook all together. I won't look at another one the same. I won't even give anyone different the time of day. You were the only one for me. I let myself go these days. I let my beard grow out and the rings under my eyes grow darker. For the mere fact that I was hiding this face from you. Hiding my true emotions, that you so positively masked. It's time we break this never ending chain that has plagued me. I can no longer drown my sorrows. Good day to you, darling. Stiff upper lip.

The one you dragged down, Mark.

P.S - You're liquor marks my stomach, just like your glass cuts my lips. Miss Whiskey, you've done more than enough for me.

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