Thursday, November 20, 2008

Dear Three AM

Why am I always awake at such ungodly hours. I sit here almost all day, complaining about something or another without any idea as to what hour it is. I have such a horrible sleep schedule. One night I'll go to sleep at Midnight and wake up 9, then the next I won't fall asleep till 6 and wake up at 4 in the afternoon. There's also the nights I just sleep for two hours and press myself to go rest only to fail and be deprived of such luxuries of a long sleep. I need to put together some kind of "LIFE". Along the lines of a job maybe... actually no I take that back, that's just ridiculous, me and a job, HA. What I do need is a wake up call. I'm running out of things to truely complain about. Well no I'm not, but I'm not going to write on about girls or money. That's silly rants that I'm not quite up for.

I found lyrics that were going to be used for a song Jerk Reaction wrote, but we ended up scrapping it when we were recording. I'll post them up considering they relate to my odd sleeping arrangements.

Perkins Coffee Tastes Like Shit, But We Drink It Anyway

"Hands shaking, your senses are not there
Fading away like you just had your last stand
You tumble down two flights of stairs
Your bones won't shatter, neither does your willpower
My gum's are still bleeding from biting the bullet
Gasping for air with exaggerated words
Caffeine Withdrawal, I can't feel my limbs
Caffeine Withdrawal, My eyes won't focus

Everything you touch Will Fall Apart

It's like watching your heart decay
Every movement strains a muscle
Sounding out each dumb mistake
My brain rots writing these songs
Trapped in these regretful days
I beg for this all to end soon

I don't Know, I don't know
How to go about this
I don't know, I don't know
Hands shaking, your senses are not there
Fading away like you just had your last stand
You tumble down two flights of stairs
Your bones won't shatter, neither does your willpower"

Looking back on these lyrics (even though they are only four or five months old) I definitely improved on my writing.

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